Understanding the top three malware types targeting your business

21 August 2023

As one of the most common causes of data breaches, malware is a cyber security threat every business owner should be prepared for. It can be easy to install anti-virus software and assume everything is taken care of, but some malware can slip past these defences and put your confidential information at risk.

Read on to discover the top three malware types targeting your business and offer tips on how to prevent and remove malware attacks.

What is malware?

Malware is any software that has been developed with malicious intent, by cybercriminals, in order to steal data or cause system disruption and damage. Critical data may be held hostage for ransom.

This can lead to devastating consequences on an organisation, including:

  • Financial loss
  • Reputational damage
  • Legal repercussions
  • Operational disruption to the business.

image of a laptop with malware

What are the top three malware types?

The top three malware types with the potential to cause harm to your business are ransomware, banking trojans and Advanced Persistent Threats (ATPs).


As a business owner or director you may be wondering, which malware is most dangerous? One of the most notorious and financially damaging forms of malware, and among the most concerning, is ransomware.

Ransomware works by encrypting valuable data on the victim’s systems or locking them out of a device, rendering it inaccessible until ransom is paid to the attackers. The malware spreads through malicious email attachments, phishing websites or by exploiting software vulnerabilities and is usually aimed at businesses rather than individuals, due to the higher profitability.

Protect your business against ransomware through proactive measures. These should include regular data backups stored offline, network segmentation to limit the spread of infection should it occur, robust endpoint detection and response, and employee training to increase awareness and prevention of phishing attempts.

Banking trojans

Banking trojans are a type of malware attack that can lead to financial losses. These malicious programs are designed to steal sensitive financial information, such as login credentials and banking details. This malware spreads through deceptive email attachments, fake websites or software vulnerabilities. Once inside, they silently monitor and intercept sensitive data, leading to financial fraud and potentially severe consequences for businesses and customers alike.

To defend against banking trojans, Croft can help businesses leverage strong endpoint protection, multi-factor authentication (MFA) and conduct regular security audits to identify and patch vulnerabilities. Again, employee education is also crucial to avoid falling victim to social engineering tactics often employed by banking trojans.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

APTs are highly sophisticated and stealthy types of malware attacks typically launched by skilled cybercriminals. Their objectives are usually highly specific, such as stealing intellectual property or spying on an organisation for extended periods. Their ability to remain undetected for long periods can make them one of the most dangerous types of malware attacks.

Defending against APTs requires a multi-layered approach, including next-generation endpoint security, network monitoring and segmentation, intrusion detection systems and regular threat hunting exercises.

Protecting your business: best practices and countermeasures

To safeguard your business against the top three malware types, comprehensive cyber security practices are essential. Some critical measures include:

  • Employee Education: Regularly train employees on cyber security best practices, including identifying phishing attempts and suspicious emails, and understanding how malware spreads.
  • Robust Network Security Measures: Implement strong firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and data loss prevention (DLP) mechanisms to defend against malware intrusions.
  • Timely Software Updates: Keep all software, operating systems and applications up to date to patch known vulnerabilities that malware often exploits.
  • Proactive Incident Response Plans: Develop and test incident response plans to ensure a swift and effective resolution to potential cyberattacks and support in how to remove malware.

man working on a cyber secure laptop

Stay protected against malware, with cyber security services from Croft

Croft provides a customer-oriented approach to enhancing cybersecurity measures for businesses through our managed cyber security services. We offer expertise, 24/7 monitoring, threat intelligence and incident response support, allowing you to focus on your core business activities while staying protected against evolving threats.

Remaining vigilant against the top three most dangerous malware types targeting your business is crucial to safeguard your reputation and finances, as cyberthreats become more advanced and aggressive. Ransomware, banking trojans and APTs pose significant risks to financial security, data integrity, and intellectual property. Understanding these facts about malware, implementing proactive cybersecurity measures and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness among employees can help strengthen your business’s defences against different types of malware attacks.

Contact us

Get in contact to find out more about how Croft’s managed cyber security services can protect your business against malware attacks or support you to remove malware.