Shop + Drop: A community coming together like never before

05 April 2020

The last few weeks have been a bit of a blur… situations changing rapidly, government announcements coming in thick and fast and people wondering what the future holds. It’s almost impossible to know what’s going to happen one day to the next, from both a business and a personal standpoint.

Yet amongst the angst and confusion, one thing has been especially clear throughout. People want to help and are willing to do absolutely everything they can to support and be there for others during this time of need. It’s amazing to see.

The set up of ‘Shop + Drop’

One particular venture that really touched the team at Croft, is the set up of ‘Shop + Drop’ by local Hertfordshire residents, Deri & Jo Hughes.

Joanna and Deri Hughes with two of their four children

After hearing the government announcement that those at high-risk from COVID-19 would have to self-isolate for at least 12 weeks, they knew they couldn’t allow so many to be, and feel, so alone at this time. No one deserves to feel trapped in their own home – scared, lonely and anxious about how, or where, they’d be able to safely get essential supplies to continue living. Deri and Jo just couldn’t let it happen.

A one-stop-shop for all house-bound essentials

As a result, the amazing new service, Shop + Drop, was born, providing those confined to their home with a one-stop-shop for all house-bound essentials. As soon as we heard about the venture, we knew this was something Croft needed to be involved with.

Croft in the Community

Since starting up just last week, there have already been an amazing array of contributions from local businesses and individuals, helping to build Shop + Drop’s service and make it as accessible as possible. A website designed, locations for preparing food orders offered, wholesale supply accounts set up, charitable partnerships formed and social media channels created, to name a few.

Personally, Croft have donated a phone system, allowing Shop + Drop’s volunteers to ‘man the phones’ from the comfort of their own homes and connect effortlessly with those in need.

It’s safe to say, the local community has come together to deliver something special with this.

As the UK locks down harder and faster, and potentially for longer, this kind of initiative is going to be a real lifeline for the most vulnerable in our community. It’s absolutely essential that Shop + Drop can continue to flourish, bringing a little smile to those unable to leave their homes each day.

Find out more

If like us, you want to be a part of this incredible venture, we highly recommend you speak to Deri and Jo to discuss how you might be able to help. We’re all feeling quite out of control in this crazy situation right now, so knowing you’re doing your bit to help, goes a long way. By offering a phone system to Shop + Drop, we feel safe in the knowledge that no one needs to be without, and can continue to be fully connected, at a time when support and company is so important.

For more information check out Shop + Drop’s website and follow them on Instagram (@shopdropherts) or Facebook.