Business Mobile Solutions

Shared Mobile Plans

Simplify your businesses phone bill and save money with a shared mobile plan. Our packages are designed so that your team only use the data and minutes they need, and you only pay once.

How it works

One plan, multiple devices

Let’s say you have a team of 5 people, all using mobiles and tablets to do their jobs. Instead of signing up for 5 different mobile phone contracts, a shared mobile plan covers the whole team – creating less paperwork and reducing the hassle of paying your bills. And because the contract is shared between the team, it’s likely to cut your costs too.

It’s a great way to save on unnecessary costs, and it’s flexible, too – so you can add new devices to the plan whenever you need to.

Shared mobile plans

Choose the cooking pot: Why individual data allowances are like ready meals...

Imagine you’ve provided lunch for your team. They’re all given equal individual portions that are the same size, but some have bigger appetites than others – one member of the team is still hungry when the meal is over, while others have leftovers. It would make more sense to just cook one big meal in a giant pot, and share it out according to who’s hungriest right?

The same applies to business mobile phone plans – you might have one team member who travels more than others, and needs a bigger data allowance. If the rest of your team aren’t actually using their full data allocation (with leftovers at the end of every month), you could be paying over the odds. By switching to a shared mobile plan, you can divide your allowance more efficiently.

Ideal for remote working and business travel

If your business travel and remote working patterns vary from month-to-month, a flexible, shared plan is especially useful to ensure that you’re always getting the best value.

Shared mobile plans

Designed for your team

Our plans give you one allowance of minutes, text messages and data, which you can be split how you like between employees and their devices. Phones, tablets, SIM cards and other mobile devices are all included in the plan. We keep the monthly billing simple and transparent, so you always know exactly what you’ve used.

All of Croft’s plans are bespoke, so you can choose the monthly allowance that works best for you and your team. If you need some help deciding what that might be, we’ll help you analyse your current outgoings and advise you on the plan that’s likely to be the best fit.

What's included?

Monthly, low-cost plans tailored to your needs

Shared data allowance

Shared minutes and text messages

You can add new devices when you like

Contact us

Discover Croft's shared mobile plans and request a free tailored quote.